Wow, what a crazy time in the studio today. An electrician volunteered to fix a grounding problem with the turntable. We told him that between 8am to 10am was good working time because we run long syndicated shows without interruption. So he started at 9:00. Around 9:40 we started saying "Okay, only 20 more minutes until we have to go on air." But we weren't done, so he just kept working. And Richard (our manager) and Mike were helping him too, and I moved all the chairs out to make space, so I did almost the whole show standing up with 2-3 other people walking in and out of the studio around me. And the whole show the mixing board had its lid off and the electrician was removing wires and probing connections, LOL. At one point he asked if he could just short something real quick as a test, which would make the music cut out momentarily. I told him I didn't think that was a good idea.
After all that I was pretty amazed that I only made one mistake, and ironically it was after he'd already left. I started playing the wrong track on a CD, and I wasn't sure if the track was clean, so I had to fade it out after about a minute and then just go to the one I wanted. Not too bad though.
another funny thing that happened is mike told me at 11:35 that i could give two concert tickets away. it seemed a little late in the show since i hadn't mentioned it at all, but i announced it, a woman called in right away, and she was there to get them before the show ended at 12:00. start to end, quickest ticket giveaway ever (for me).
started out with some tour de france songs...
10:00senor coconut - tour de france
shonen knife - cycling is fun
chico cesar - papo cabeca (from putumayo festa brasil)
luca mundaca - ha dias (from putumayo brazilian lounge)
bebel gilberto - river song (grant nelson remix from bebel gilberto remixed)
zuco 103 - brief passions
ror-shak - i don't want
pizzicato five - baby love child
goldfrapp - ooh la la
cassius clay - much ado about cassius
cassius - cassius 99 remix
shonen knife - tortoise brand pot scrubbing cleaner's theme (sea turtle)
11:00the kingwoods - purty vacant
the sex pistols - holiday in the sun
the hives - a little more for little you
cold war kids - tell me in the morning
cold war kids - hair down
amon tobin - verbal
radiohead - climbing up the walls (fila brazilia mix (this was my mistake))
the orb - toxygene (fila brazilia mix)
cassius clay - the gang's all here
ray charles - mess around
thievery corporation - amerimacka
banco de gaia - how much reality can you take?
2raumwohnung - ich weib warum (from putumayo world groove)
krishna das - namah shivaya